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£21,000,000 of European Regional ​Development Funding now available in SELEP

SELEP has launched three new open calls for ERDF funding applications, for projects that will enable research and innovation, business growth, and a low carbon economy.

SELEP is committed to enabling the drawdown of as much European funding as possible in the coming months, to fund business support programmes in our priority sectors. These latest calls make over £21,000,000 available to new and existing projects, and will remain open until 30 September 2019.

– £4.7m is available for capital and revenue projects that promote business investment in research and innovation (Priority Axis 1)

– £10m is available for projects that enhance the competitiveness of small and medium sized enterprises (Priority Axis 3)

– £6.5m is available for projects that support the shift towards a low carbon economy, recognising SELEPs recently launched South2East Local Energy Strategy

Please click here to read more on and see the detailed call specifications, or email for further information.