The Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government has announced a £9 million cash injection to speed up the locally-led building of new garden towns and villages across the country.
Announcing the funding as part of £9million of investment across the UK, Housing Minister Kit Malthouse MP said:
“We have not built enough homes in this country for the last three decades, and we are turning that around as we work towards our target to build 300,000 properties a year by the mid-2020s.
This £9 million funding boost is giving councils the support and cash injection they need so they can finish planning new developments and get diggers on site.”

The Garden Communities project is expected to deliver 200,000 properties on large sites by 2050, and the latest funding will help get 21 sites ready for development.
Allocation in SELEP Area
Projects across the South East LEP geography are to receive £3.065m to develop new purpose-built settlements over the coming 50+ years. This funding will enable to continue to take forward the work it needs to do in order to bring forward new Garden Communities.