Meetings & Minutes
LIS Workshop: How can we improve the productivity of the South East economy?
The South East Local Enterprise Partnership (SELEP) is currently in the process of developing our Local Industrial Strategy (LIS). This is a document required by Government which will set out the long-term ambitions for our area, based on clear evidence and aligned to the national Industrial Strategy.
The aim is to boost productivity by backing businesses to create good jobs and increase the earning power of people throughout the area, with investment in skills, industries and infrastructure.
The LIS will set out clearly defined priorities for how the SELEP area will maximise its contribution to UK productivity, making the most of our distinctive strengths. It will help to inform local choices, prioritise local action and, where appropriate, help to inform decisions at the national level.
National Industrial Strategy
The strategy will set out our response to the five foundations of productivity found in the national industrial strategy – Ideas, People, Place, Business Environment and Infrastructure. It will also consider the contribution and impact the area can have on the national grand challenges of Ageing Society, Artificial Intelligence & Data, Clean Growth and Future of Mobility.
Workshop and local engagement
As part of the work to refine the evidence base and develop the propositions that will form part of the strategy, we are holding a series of stakeholder engagement events.
A number of key themes have emerged as a priority for the SELEP area. We are keen to engage with businesses, local leads and experts to help us develop these themes further and to discuss in more detail the challenges and potential solutions which could be taken forward
This workshop will discuss issues on all themes emerging from our draft evidence base, specifically:
• Accelerating high productivity business growth
• Maximising natural assets
• Building new communities
• Modelling Future Connectivity
Join us and help influence the future direction and local actions, to make a real difference to our economy
10:00 – 10:30 Registration & Welcoming Coffee
10:30 – 10:35 Welcome from George Kieffer, SELEP Vice Chair
10.35 – 11.05 Introduction to the LIS Evidence Base – key findings and thoughts from Deyton Bell/ Lichfields team
11.05 – 11.20 Coffee
11.20 – 11.25 Introduction to the Breakout sessions
11.25 – 12.00 Strategic opportunities and challenges in the South East (facilitated discussion by table)
12.00 – 12.20 Plenary sessions – round up from each table
12.20 – 12.50 Workshop wide prioritisation of the issues identified by the tables
12.50 – 13.00 Final Remarks and Next Steps
Date: Mon 14 Oct 2019
Time: 10:00 am - 1:00 pm
Venue: Farmers & Fletchers in the City
Address: 3 Cloth Street, London, EC1A 7LD