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Britton Farm Redevelopment: Learning, Skills and Employment Hub


Approval Status


Fully Approved

Delivery Status


Construction In Progress

Expected Completion Date


Spring 2024

​The project will bring forward an innovative adult learning, skills and employment hub through repurposing Britton Farm Mall, an underused Medway Council owned building. The hub will retrain, upskill and support adults to access employment. State of the art digital facilities will improve digital skills and tackle digital exclusion, alongside providing the skills needed to access new high GVA jobs.

The adult learning, skills and employment hub will be designed with flexible classroom space and state of the art digital equipment. A fully equipped training kitchen will be provided which will help meet a variety of community needs, from supporting business start-ups to reducing food waste and teaching life skills.

The project also includes the conversion of an existing car park on the site, into a housing development comprising 44 affordable homes.

Furthermore, public realm improvements will be delivered which will contribute to the regeneration of Gillingham High Street.

Project Outputs/Outcomes
Jobs created/safeguarded 263
Homes unlocked/delivered 44
Learners assisted 1,050
New/improved learning and training floorspace (sq m) 450
Public realm or green space improved/created (sq m) 450

£85m of investment to East Sussex, Essex, Kent, Medway, Southend and Thurrock

The Getting Building Fund focuses on projects that can progress quickly and that will stimulate and better integrate economies in some of the most economically impacted and COVID-affected parts of the South East.

£85m of Getting Building Fund investment has been secured, enabling delivery of 45 projects across East Sussex, Essex, Kent, Medway, Southend and Thurrock.

Find out more here

Funding value: £1,990,000
Total Project cost: £7,190,000
Return to Capital Investment