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Tutor Shortages in the South East – Solutions based research



Tutor Shortages in the South East – Solutions based research

The South East LEP, on behalf of its established forums, such as the Skills Advisory Panel, Skills Working Group and Major Projects Skills Group, has agreed to lead a piece of work to articulate the significant challenge facing colleges and providers in the South East, in recruiting and retaining quality tutors, particularly in technical subjects.

The primary aim of this work is to develop collective solutions that we can put forward to Government and/or other partners, for piloting, so that we can work towards a more successful and sustainable model of recruitment and retention of tutors in further education. Please see the proposed timeline of activity.

Whilst we believe the outputs of this will have application to challenges faced in other roles in further education, aligning to the needs of our major projects and existing shortages, this work will focus on subjects that fall within the construction and engineering sectors. The report conducted by Mace in 2021 provided an indication of the roles that will be in most demand and, as such, the future challenges that will be faced if we are unable to address this bottle neck issue.

This is a collaborative piece of work, and, as a starting point, we need to collate information from the sector to inform the solutions focused discussions. We would therefore be very grateful if providers in the SELEP areas would respond to a call for evidence.  

The survey can be found here.

We recently held a series of workshops to explore this topic in further detail.
Workshop 1 – Alternative teaching/delivery models
7th June 2023 10:00am -12:30pm

This workshop looked at ways through which we might alleviate demand in skill shortage areas through increased use of technology, division of roles and staff deployment. Please see the agenda here

Workshop 2 – Improving recruitment and retention
14th June 2023 10:00 – 12.30pm

The workshop explored how we can increase supply and improve the current ways of working. Looking at aspects such as the role of employers and graduates, as well as how a more local collaborative model could work and the role of ITT, technical CPD and industry connections.

Please see the agenda here

Presentations from these workshops can be viewed here