London Gateway/Stanford le Hope
- Capital Investment - Essex, Southend & Thurrock, More than £2m, LGF1
Approval Status
Approved, subject to conditions
Delivery Status
Design In Progress
Expected Completion Date
Summer 2025
On the north banks of the Thames Estuary in Stanford-le-Hope, Essex, London Gateway is the U.K’s newest and most technologically advanced deep sea container port catering for global shipping. Once fully developed, London Gateway shall comprise six deep sea shipping berths alongside Europe’s largest logistics park comprising up to 830,000 square metres of ‘B’ class warehouse floorspace. In total DP World London Gateway is anticipated to generate approximately 12,000 direct jobs (on-site) with a further 24,000 indirect jobs created within supply chains (Source – London Gateway – November 2016). Currently, two port berths are operational with a third becoming operational early in 2017. The first two buildings of the DP World London Gateway Logistics Park (comprising approximately 49,000 square metres of floorspace) are completed, with a third building (to become UPS’s latest regional distribution hub) under construction with an anticipated opening date of Q4 2017. Currently approximately 600 people are employed within the operational development of DP World London Gateway (Source – DP World London Gateway – November 2016).
Transport Accessibility
DP World London Gateway is remote from the Thurrock Urban Area and accessibility will be an issue for prospective employees without access to a car. Ensuring a sufficient labour supply and good job/ skills matching will be critical for not only realising the growth but sustaining the jobs in the long term by maximising productivity. It is therefore necessary to ensure that high quality accessibility is provided by non-car means through better bus facilities in Stanford-le-Hope (SLH) and high quality rail/bus integration to attract employees. In addition, good quality passenger transport facilities and bus/rail integration will be necessary to achieve the modal split targets for the development.
The main aims of the Project are to:
- Develop an interchange that will connect bus, rail, cycle, taxi, and pedestrian modes of Transport at Stanford-le-Hope station.
- Expand capacity at Stanford le Hope Station.
- Implement a package of works that meets the requirements of travel plans for London Gateway and unlocks the next phase of development at London Gateway.
- Provide improvements to public Transport infrastructure and service reliability to new housing developments and to the major employment growth sites at London Gateway/Coryton.
- Help curb traffic growth and minimise growth in Transport emissions in the area through this new Transport Interchange.
To assist with the delivery of this complex regeneration project, the works as set out in the original Business Case have been split into 2 phases:
- Station building – with passenger toilets, level access to building and stations platforms, real time customer information systems (Phase 1).
- Multi-modal interchange – 2 car passengers drop off positions with landing island, 2 taxi rank positions with landing island and shelter, secure cycle and e-bike parking spaces, car parking spaces, drop off and pickup positions for a bus with waiting facilities, protected pedestrian walking routes and desire lines (Phase 2).
The project has been impacted by increasing costs and concerns around the eventual benefits realised. As such the Accountability Board in November 2021 agreed that an updated Business Case is submitted to the SELEP Secretariat which will be assessed by the Independent Technical Evaluator and the outcome will be reported to the Accountability Board in April.
The April 2022 Board meeting was postponed until 27 May 2022 Accountability Board meeting, where an updated Business Case was not ready for review, but agreed to move to the 15 July 2022 Accountability Board meeting. At the 23 September 2022 Accountability Board meeting a further extension was agreed subject to the submission of an updated Business Case.
An updated Business Case was submitted for review prior to the 16 February 2024 Accountability Board. At the meeting the Board agreed that the £7.5m LGF funding could be retained against the project and that Thurrock Council could employ an Option 4 Swap allowing £5.4m of the currently unspent LGF allocated to Grays South to be temporarily transferred to the Stanford le Hope project. Thurrock Council have committed to returning capital funding of the same value to the Grays South project at a later date to enable project delivery. Note: this was all subject to receiving the required assurances from the Section 151 Officer at Thurrock Council.
Capital Programme delivery update
Take a look at our update on the delivery of the Local Growth Fund (LGF) and Growing Places Fund (GPF) capital programmes.
£579m of investment to East Sussex, Essex, Kent, Medway, Southend and Thurrock
In total the SELEP Growth Deal with Government has brought £579m of investment to East Sussex, Essex, Kent, Medway, Southend and Thurrock. Over the lifetime of the Growth Deal (2015-2021) we aim to deliver 78,000 jobs and 29,000 homes across the SELEP area, with the Deal set to attract a further £960m of investment into the South East over the six year period.
Find out more here
Updated Business Case 2024