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Good Governance

Registers of Interests Part 1

Registers of Interests Part 2



Accountability board

Accountable democratic decision-making

Formal democratic decision-making was through the SELEP Accountability Board which approved all major funding decisions having regard to the Independent Technical Evaluation recommendations. This included any direct awards of funding from the Government including retained schemes.

The Accountability Board was responsible for the implementation of the Assurance Framework and agreed all processes by which bids were assessed, risks considered, funding approvals made and performance managed.

The Board was advised by the Accountable Body’s Chief Finance Officer and Monitoring Officer.

Board members as of March 2024

Essex County Council

Kent County Council

East Sussex County Council

Southend-On-Sea City Council

Thurrock Council

Medway Council

Further Education representative

High Education representative

Review our activity and decisions

The SELEP Accountability Board was the main performance management structure within the LEP. It provided the accountability structure for decision making and approving funding within the overarching vision of the Strategic Board. This satisfied the accountability processes of the Accountable Body and the requirements of Government.

Policy for Public Questions to the Accountability Board

SELEP welcomed public interest in its business. Its formal meetings were open to the public, unless confidential business was being discussed, and the papers were published on the SELEP website, as well as the Accountable Body’s (Essex County Council) website.


The South East LEP Accountability was formed of elected Leaders from the Upper Tier Authorities within the area: East Sussex, Essex, Kent, Southend and Thurrock and representation from Higher and Further Education establishments. Education representatives were voted to sit as members through the U9 and Skills Advisory Working Groups.