=== Better Delete Revision === Contributors: galerio, Urda Donate link: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=K72TR62V5ZDU8 Tags: better delete revision, revision, delete, remove, removal, revision removal, delete revision, disable revision, no revision, revision manager, manage revision, remove revision, post revision, page revision, optimize database, database optimization, optimize, fast, light, faster, lighter, speed up, improve site performance, redundant revisions, perform optimization, delete revision from database, remove old database content, reduce database size Requires at least: 2.7 Tested up to: 4.0.1 Stable tag: 1.6.1 License: GPLv3 or later License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html Remove and delete old revision of posts, pages and related meta content completely then optimize Database: reduce size and optimization to speed up! == Description == Better Delete Revision not only deletes redundant revisions of posts from your Wordpress Database, it also deletes other database content related to each revision such meta information, tags, relationships, and more. Better Delete Revision is based on the old "Delete Revision" plugin but it is compatible with the latest version of Wordpress (3.x) with improved features. = Your current published, scheduled, and draft posts are never touched by this plugin! = This plugin can also perform optimizations on your Wordpress database. With optimization and old revision removal this plugin will keep your database lighter and smaller throughout use. Removing old revisions and database optimizations is one of the best things you can do to your Wordpress blog to keep it running as fast as it can. Please pay ATTENTION, even if we added a fix that solve the problem, if you use the NextGEN Gallery plugin, some problems may occur when deleting revisions of posts or pages that contain the shortcode of the NextGEN Gallery plugin. So if you also use the NextGEN Gallery plugin we recommend you to make a backup before using the Better Delete Revision. Wordpress MU or customs installation (like some pre-made installation of some Hosting Providers) are not yet supported. Wordpress MU support is in our TODO list. Post Revisions are a feature introduced in Wordpress 2.6. Whenever you or Wordpress saves a post or a page, it automatically creates a revision and stores in your Wordpress database. Each additional revision will slowly increase the size of your database. If you save a post or page multiple times, your number of revisions will greatly increase overtime. For example, if you have 100 posts and each post has 10 revisions you could be storing up to 1,000 copies of older data! The Better Delete Revision plugin is your #1 choice to quickly and easily removing revision from your Wordpress database. Try it out today to see what a lighter and smaller Wordpress database can do for you! Home Page: http://www.1e2.it/tag/better-delete-revision on www.1e2.it = Remember to VOTE IT !!! Thanks = Thanks goes to Urda for version 1.1 = Translation = * Russian (ru_RU) * Italian (it_IT) == Installation == This section describes how to install the plugin and get it working. 1. Upload `better-delete-revision.zip` to the '/wp-content/plugins/' directory 2. Unzip the better-delete-revision.zip to the '/wp-content/plugins/better-delete-revision/' directory 3. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress = Upgrade Notice = Just copy the new files over the old ones or use the automatic upgrade function of your Wordpress. == Frequently Asked Questions == = Why is it better than Delete Revision or Revision Removal or other similar plugins? = It has the ability to remove completely the revision posts and pages as well as related meta tags, description and other useless things. The other plugins doesn't really remove all the waste things. = Is it safe to clean database? = Yes, it's completely safe. = Will it affect the published posts? = No. The revision posts is redundancy, is not the same that the normal posts. For this reason, they can be safely removed to save space and increase database speed. == Screenshots == 1. Revision Removal Control Panel. 2. Database Optimization. == Changelog == = V1.6.1 - 22.11.2014 = * Removed : Unnecessary and unwanted menu = V1.6 - 21.11.2014 = * Update : We updated all functionality for Wordpress 4.0.1. * NEW : We added a menu page. = V1.5 - 17.09.2014 = * Update : We've added a fix for compatibility with the plugin NextGen Gallery. = V1.4 - 18.07.2014 = * Update : We updated function of plugin for deleting revisions. = V1.3 - 17.06.2014 = * Update : We updated all functionality for Wordpress 3.9.1. * NEW : The Russian and Italian language files are added to the plugin. = V1.2 - 25.01.2011 = * Update : Used the Role and Capabilities system instead of User Level. = V1.1 - 21.10.2010 = * Update : English corrections. * Update : Function cleanup. * Update : Source code cleanup. * Update : Moved various strings into functions. * = by Urda = = V1.0 - 25.09.2010 = * New : Just completed test on Wordpress 3.0.1 == Upgrade Notice == = V1.6 = We updated all functionality for Wordpress 4.0.1. We added a menu page. = V1.5 = We've added a fix for compatibility with the plugin NextGen Gallery. = V1.4 = We updated function of plugin for deleting revisions. = V1.3 = We updated all functionality for Wordpress 3.9.1. The Russian and Italian language file are added to the plugin. = V1.2 = Used the Role and Capabilities system instead of User Level. = V1.1 = English corrections. Function cleanup. Source code cleanup. Moved various strings into functions. = V1.0 = Just completed test on Wordpress 3.0.1