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Broadband Funding Welcomed by South East LEP

The government has announced almost £27 million of funding for the South East Local Enterprise Partnership (SELEP) area to help provide homes and businesses with broadband.

Access for all

Commenting on the announcement SELEP Interim Chair, George Kieffer, said: “In today’s modern age it is important for businesses and homes across the South East LEP area to access digital services. Broadband plays a key role in achieving this. Today’s funding announcement is great news for the whole SELEP area and will boost the £55 billion a year the SELEP area already pumps into the national economy.

Broadband to boost businesses

“Access to broadband will give a boost to our businesses and help to attract companies looking to move into the LEP area. It will also help improve the access to technology for our rural communities. This is why rolling out broadband across the whole LEP area is one of our key priorities.”

“The total economic benefit of getting everyone in the UK online is in excess of £22 billion – so today’s announcement is not just good news for the SELEP area but the whole country.”

“Now the allocations are known, we can start to seek the added investment needed to ensure every business and community across the LEP can benefit from broadband as  quickly and efficiently as possible”

16 July 2015