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A28 Sturry Road Integrated Transport Package


Approval Status


Removed From LGF Programme

Delivery Status


Removed From LGF Programme

Expected Completion Date


Removed From LGF Programme

The Sturry Road Integrated Transport Package (ITP) will provide an additional inbound section of bus lane on the A28 approaching Canterbury City Centre. The introduction of the additional bus lane is intended to enhance the service provided by the existing public transport network and in particular the Sturry Road Park and Ride site. The additional lane will supplement the existing inbound bus lane, extending the length of bus lane by a further 0.7km on the A28 corridor which has high traffic occupancy of the available capacity, restricted space for buses at the outer end and significant peak congestion for all road users.

Project update

The project was considered by Accountability Board on 7th June 2019 and the decision was made to remove the project from the LGF programme. It was initially intended that this project would be delivered by the end of 2016, however, the project has been on hold due to local concerns about the project and the traffic diversions that would be required in order to deliver it. Alternative scheme proposals have been explored, however, these proposals would all involve diversion of utilities.  This would add considerably to the complexity of the project, the amount of disruption caused during delivery and would substantially increase the overall project cost. As no suitable funding has been identified to bridge the funding gap that would be presented under any alternative scheme proposal, it was recommended that the project be removed from the LGF programme and the LGF allocation of £300,000 be reallocated through the LGF3b pipeline development process. The removal of this project from the LGF programme and the substantial increase in project cost are likely to prevent delivery of the project in the short to medium term.  This will prevent the project benefits, including promotion of modal shift along the A28 corridor, from being realised.  The substantial planned growth along the A28 corridor is also likely to increase existing congestion issues along this corridor.

Capital Programme delivery update

Take a look at our update on the delivery of the Local Growth Fund (LGF) and Growing Places Fund (GPF) capital programmes.

SELEP Capital Investment Programme

£579m of investment to East Sussex, Essex, Kent, Medway, Southend and Thurrock

In total the SELEP Growth Deal with Government has brought £579m of investment to East Sussex, Essex, Kent, Medway, Southend and Thurrock. Over the lifetime of the Growth Deal (2015-2021) we aim to deliver 78,000 jobs and 29,000 homes across the SELEP area, with the Deal set to attract a further £960m of investment into the South East over the six year period.

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