Queensway Gateway Road
- Capital Investment - East Sussex, More than £2m, LGF1
Approval Status
Fully Approved
Delivery Status
Construction In Progress
Expected Completion Date
Queensway Gateway Road forms a key infrastructure investment in the Hastings – Bexhill Growth Corridor. It comprises a single carriageway road link between the A21 Sedlescombe Road North and Queensway. The road will connect with Queensway running south of its junction with the Ridge West, crossing the Hollington Stream valley on an embankment and then running south of Whitworth Road to join the A21 at a new junction north of the existing Sainsbury’s store. It includes signal controlled junctions at either end and a roundabout junction with Whitworth Road facilitating access to employment sites to the north and south.

Strategic road
The road serves a strategic purpose in linking Bexhill in the west and the A21 to the east of the Growth Corridor by relieving congestion on The Ridge and improving traffic flows onto the A21. Critically, Queensway Gateway Road connects the Bexhill Hastings Link Road (BHLR) to the A21, redistributing traffic from the BHLR and The Ridge heading towards the A21. The opening of the BHLR will change the balance of traffic movements in the Hastings/Bexhill area, increasing traffic volumes along The Ridge and Queensway. The link between The Ridge and the A21 already displays signs of capacity problems. By relieving congestion, the Queensway Gateway Road will improve strategic connectivity in the Growth Corridor, improving employment development potential in Queensway and employment and housing growth potential in North Bexhill. Importantly, the Queensway Gateway Road provides access to designated employment development sites within the Bexhill Hastings Growth Corridor which would otherwise not be brought forward. The new road allows land to be released around the road for employment development as set out in Policy E1 of the present Hastings Local Plan 2004 and policies LRA 7 and 8 of the Hastings Planning Strategy. Specifically, the road opens up the development potential of key sites south of The Ridge, with capacity for up to 12,000 sqm of employment floorspace.
Project update
A project update was considered by the Accountability Board on 14th February 2020 in light of an identified risk to project delivery. The Board were made aware that whilst 70% of the new road has been delivered, significant delays have been encountered in bringing forward the final section of the road. These delays are as a result of the need to acquire properties that are on the planned route. These acquisitions are under negotiation but there is currently no clear timeline as to when the purchases will be completed, which presents a significant risk to project delivery.
In light of the delays encountered with the required acquisitions, it is proposed that a temporary road link will be progressed as an interim solution to allow vehicles to use the road, until the final section of the new road can be constructed. Work will simultaneously continue to complete the required acquisitions which will allow the permanent solution to be delivered.
The Board have continued to receive updates on project delivery, with the latest update being provided on 12th March 2021. This update indicated that work is continuing on the delivery of the temporary road link. It is now anticipated that, subject to the necessary approvals being received, the temporary connection will be opened to through traffic in August 2021.
The update provided to the Board also indicated that the land acquisition negotiations remain ongoing, with no clear timeline for completion of the land purchase. The update stated that if it is not possible to acquire the land by negotiation, a Compulsory Purchase Order will be progressed as a last resort. As the delivery of the permanent road link is dependent upon the conclusion of the land acquisition process, it remains impossible to give a definite timetable for delivery of the final element of the project.
Capital Programme delivery update
Take a look at our update on the delivery of the Local Growth Fund (LGF) and Growing Places Fund (GPF) capital programmes.
£579m of investment to East Sussex, Essex, Kent, Medway, Southend and Thurrock
In total the SELEP Growth Deal with Government has brought £579m of investment to East Sussex, Essex, Kent, Medway, Southend and Thurrock. Over the lifetime of the Growth Deal (2015-2021) we aim to deliver 78,000 jobs and 29,000 homes across the SELEP area, with the Deal set to attract a further £960m of investment into the South East over the six year period.