South East Invest
Who is this project for?
SMEs in non-European markets who are looking to relocate and/or expand operations into Essex, South Essex and East Sussex.
This project complements the Inward Investment Kent ERDF project.
What does it offer?
Local business support and advice through the Let’s Do Business Group service provider, via Invest Essex and Locate East Sussex inward investment platforms. Advisors will provide expert advice and local information on business growth, commercial property decisions (including affordable rental space) and access to funding for growth acceleration.
Who is delivering this project?
Essex County Council in partnership with East Sussex County Council.
This project will run until 31 March 2020.
Find out more:
Locate East Sussex
European Regional Development Fund
The South East LEP has been given an indicative allocation of £74.1 million of ERDF for projects to support Jobs and Growth in our area. The funding is focussed as follows:
- Support for Research and Innovation (priority axis 1)
- SME Growth and Competitiveness (priority axis 3)
- Shift Towards a Low Carbon Economy (priority axis 4)
- EU Projects - Business Growth