Southend Central Area Action Plan (SCAAP) – Transport Package
- Capital Investment - Essex, Southend & Thurrock, More than £2m, LGF1
Approval Status
Fully Approved
Delivery Status
LGF Project Delivered
Project Completion Date
Summer 2022
Southend Central Area Transport Scheme (S-CATS) represents a major opportunity to support the continued growth and regeneration of the Southend Central Area. It is the delivery mechanism for the policies set out in the Southend Central Area Action Plan (SCAAP) Revised Proposed Submission Document that are aimed at strengthening and transforming the Town Centre sub-regional role as a successful commercial and retail destination, cultural hub, educational centre of excellence, leisure and tourism attraction – an excellent place to live, work and visit. The SCAAP is part of the spatial planning strategy for the Borough, providing detail on the policies set out in the Core Strategy.
Phase 1
The package of transport measures includes junction improvements to support the wider objective of delivering an improved and appealing gateway to the centre of Southend-on-Sea for residents and tourists, and to unlock a housing site at the South East Essex College Site, and for the expansion of the library car park. This bid for funding is for:
- Carnarvon Road / Victoria Avenue junction improvement and to allow right turn movements onto Victoria Avenue.
- Great Eastern Avenue / Victoria Avenue junction improvement and to allow right turn movements onto Victoria Avenue.
- Extended right turn lane from Victoria Avenue to East Street.
- Improvement of cycling facilities on the west side of Victoria Avenue.
- Improved public realm.
These junction improvements are necessary to help deliver new housing to the east of Victoria Avenue at the former site of the South East Essex College site, deliver an expanded library car park, and to start the process of improving access to the centre of Southend delivering a welcoming gateway to the city.
Phase 2
The scheme aims to improve the streetscape, public realm and walking/cycling facilities along the segment of London Road, College Way, Queens Road and Elmer Avenue that provide access to the high street, the main library (The Forum), College, University and other key destinations in the Town Centre.
Phase 3
Is the final phase of the Project and is critical to maximising benefits from the overall scheme. It will deliver public realm improvements and place making measures, developed through a co-creation process, in the heart of the Town Centre (Victoria Circus and stub end of London Road)
Capital Programme delivery update
Take a look at our update on the delivery of the Local Growth Fund (LGF) and Growing Places Fund (GPF) capital programmes.
£579m of investment to East Sussex, Essex, Kent, Medway, Southend and Thurrock
In total the SELEP Growth Deal with Government has brought £579m of investment to East Sussex, Essex, Kent, Medway, Southend and Thurrock. Over the lifetime of the Growth Deal (2015-2021) we aim to deliver 78,000 jobs and 29,000 homes across the SELEP area, with the Deal set to attract a further £960m of investment into the South East over the six year period.
Find out more here
Phase 2 Business Case
Phase 3 Business Case