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Thurrock Cycle Network


Approval Status


Fully Approved

Delivery Status


LGF Project Delivered

Project Completion Date


Spring 2019

A network of cycle routes has been identified and prioritised to bring about increased cycling levels across the Borough. The routes are targeted towards improving access to employment, growth hubs, areas of regeneration and providing sustainable alternatives in already congested corridors. The project will deliver a package of cycling and walking focussed at addressing barriers such as crossing facilities and missing routes to important destinations, such as rail stations. The new routes to be provided will be largely off-road, high-quality pedestrian and cycle infrastructure designed especially to attract would-be commuter cyclists who currently drive to work because of a lack of safe and convenient cycling infrastructure. By increasing cycling levels and promoting a modal shift from car use it is envisaged that traffic congestion across the Borough will reduce, accessibility to employment sites and urban centres will improve and cyclists will benefit from a safer and contiguous network. Realisation of these benefits will unlock transport network capacity contributing towards sustainable growth in the Borough.

Key outcomes

The key outcomes for Thurrock delivering this project are:

  • improve cycling provision and pedestrian connectivity
  • increase the number of cycling and pedestrian journeys
  • reduce the number of vehicle trips in the borough
  • reduce local congestion on key routes
  • improve the health of Thurrock’s residents
  • enhance local air quality
Inter-related benefits
  • Health inequalities across the borough will be reduced by increasing the number of people travelling actively and being physical active, as well as improved air quality
  • Reducing the number of vehicles trips will reduce peak-time congestion and help improve air quality
  • Time-cost savings will be accrued by participants by improved journey reliability benefitting local businesses
  • Improved infrastructure will enhance the Council’s ability to embed a culture of sustainable travel into organisations and communities across the borough.

Capital Programme delivery update

Take a look at our update on the delivery of the Local Growth Fund (LGF) and Growing Places Fund (GPF) capital programmes.

SELEP Capital Investment Programme

£579m of investment to East Sussex, Essex, Kent, Medway, Southend and Thurrock

In total the SELEP Growth Deal with Government has brought £579m of investment to East Sussex, Essex, Kent, Medway, Southend and Thurrock. Over the lifetime of the Growth Deal (2015-2021) we aim to deliver 78,000 jobs and 29,000 homes across the SELEP area, with the Deal set to attract a further £960m of investment into the South East over the six year period.

Find out more here
Funding value: £5m
Total Project cost: £6m
Return to Capital Investment