In light of the current situation and taking on board the most recent advice from government we have decided to cancel all public meetings and face to face meetings.
The Chair, Deputy Chair and Federated Board Chairs have decided to postpone the first meeting of the new Board of SELEP Ltd which was planned for 20th March 2020. In order to enable decisions in as timely a fashion as possible, we will be looking to hold this meeting virtually at a date to be set within 6 weeks (subject to software testing which will enable us to meet our public access obligations). We will also be considering revised approaches to the next Investment Panel and Accountability Board meetings, so please revisit this site for updates.
We are seeking to host working group meetings virtually where possible and SELEP team members and other partners will be in touch directly regarding arrangements for these.
If you have any queries regarding working with SELEP please contact hello@southeastlep.com